Nutrition for me lies in finding joy in the simplicity of everyday life.

Start your journey with an in-depth intake session, either online or in person. Share your health story and receive initial guidance, including insights into potential future lab work.

Helped +400 clients

Biomedical Laboratory

Clinically Certified

Hyper Personalized

Helped +400 clients • Biomedical Laboratory • Clinically Certified • Hyper Personalized •

After many requests of my clients and followers I realised there is a great need for guidance on reaching specific health goals, such as weight loss, improving gut health, improving skin issues or simply a wish for more energy. Since the investment for laboratory or consultations can be a big step, I want to offer all of you a more approachable program. Still incredibly effective, but easy to implement in your daily life.

The Programs include

- Every week new 3 New Nutrition Guidelines
- Every week new 3 New Recipes
- 15 min lets connect call (optional to book and receive more personalised tips)
- 15 min lets finish call (optional to book after 6 weeks)
- 1 hour Masterclass on the subject (explained in detail)

Nova Schiferli | Certified Clinical Dietitian

“I assist clients in understanding their body's signals by leveraging Clinical Lab-tests, making the invisible visible. I then translate these results into a highly personalized health plan. When I say personal, I mean a thorough examination of your labs and daily lifestyle habits.”

What people are saying.

  • “Her very professional and attentive approach helped me overcome fatigue, digestive issues, and cravings with a practical health plan. Thanks to her expertise, all my symptoms dissolved. Truly remarkable."

    — Client: extreme fatigue, burn-out

  • "After being told that surgery was the only option for my skin disease, I turned to Nova for help. With the aid of the blood analysis and health plan, my inflammatory markers significantly reduced"

    — Client: Hidradenitis Supprativa

  • "The Human approach she follows, really allows you to feel heard and seen. Her lifestyle and enthusiasm is inspiring. She is truly leading by example."

    — Client: skin and digestive issues.